Are baby neck floaties safe?

We often get asked: are water baby neck floaties safe?  This is a valid question.  We asked the same question as well when we first saw inflatable baby neck rings.  Sure, the pictures and videos are cute, but are they actually safe?  We investigated and researched these baby floaties more and found most of them to be safe for babies when used correctly.  

First of all, baby neck floaties have been used for a number years around the world by many happy parents and babies with no reported accidents or injuries.  More recently, they have become more popular in Canada and the US.  With this increasing popularity, there has been even more research done by doctors and paediatricians indicating that neck floats are safe for use by infants.

However, even though they are safe for use, we knew that we needed to produce the best neck floatie available because some of the other ones on the market didn’t meet our strict expectations.  We did this by using the softest, highest-grade, toxin-free and latex-free plastic, adding premium snap closures, dual air chambers, using an extra thick casing, smooth edges, and ensuring that we meet Health Canada’s regulations.  As such, we are confident in saying that water baby neck floaties are safe, comfortable and fun for babies.

Once you’ve decided on a safe neck floatie, you need to make sure that you’re using it correctly.  Be sure to read all instructions and cautions carefully before use.  There should be important information included about how and when to use your particular baby neck ring.  If this is not included, we would not recommend using that floatie.  All Otteroo and Water Baby neck floaties include a detailed instructions and precautions booklet.  Even though baby floaties are safe for use, they may quickly become unsafe if they are not used correctly.

Safe Baby Neck Float Water Baby

Also, it is important to note that baby neck floaties are toys.  They are not swim aids, personal floatation or life saving devices, nor are they not approved as a floatation device by the Coast Guard.  Never leave a baby or child unattended in or near any body of water.

If you’re looking for the safest baby neck floaties that are approved by doctors and paediatricians and meet all safety standards, we recommend the Water Baby neck floatie available online at and the Otteroo baby floatie available at

Happy and safe floating!